The goal of the Cadet Commanders Course (CCC) is to lay the foundation for Cadet Commanders at the squadron level. The course is designed to increase the effectiveness of the cadet program through producing Cadet Commanders who are better educated and more motivated fulfill their duties in the position. A more effective cadet program will lead to a higher level of retention throughout the Wing.

A graduate of Cadet Commanders Course will demonstrate:

  1. Gain a fundamental knowledge of the role of the Cadet Commander
  2. Be able to manage his or her staff
  3. Set achievable goals
  4. Create and be able to execute a schedule.
  5. Gain knowledge and skills necessary to effectively work with Senior Members
  6. Be familiar with all CAP Manuals, Pamphlets, and Regulations pertinent to a Cadet Commander

Under Construction   Basic Cadet School is the first step in California Wing’s Integrated Leadership Program (ILP). BCS is the foundation of the ILP and the first exposure cadets will receive to California Wing training standards. In order to meet training standards, an environment that fosters within cadets a feeling of pride, identity, and accomplishment should be maintained. Basic Cadet School will provide the new cadet with a solid beginning to understand the responsibilities and rewards involved in the Civil Air Patrol cadet program.

Under Construction The Basic Cadet School supplements and reinforces the Phase I introductory training conducted at the local unit. This program is intended to introduce a new cadet to the uniforms worn in Civil Air Patrol, drill movements ranging from stationary to basic drill while marching, and the missions of Civil Air Patrol, as well as the opportunities available as a cadet in the Civil Air Patrol. For most new cadets and their parents, BCS is the first CAP activity outside their home unit. Therefore, it is important the activity be well-managed, organized, and professional. While high standards for discipline should be maintained during the activity, stress levels should be kept to a minimum so as not to interfere with the learning process. BCS should be a positive experience for both students and their parents. Staff and instructors should conduct themselves in a professional, competent, and business-like manner at all times.

  • BCS Program Manual (PDF)
  • BCS Student Workbook (PDF)